Florida Whitetail Deer Hunts!

Florida Whitetail Deer Hunts!

Our Florida whitetail deer hunts are conducted on approximately 9,800 acres of private land. All land is quality managed and has been since the early 1930's. Clients are encourage to harvest mature whitetails however, we do follow the state of Florida rules and regulations minimum requirement of 3 points on one side for antlered deer. At Black Tine Outfitters we don't have second jobs, we maintain feeders, food plots, and mineral sites on a yearly basis. We believe this provides a valuable food source and helps in keeping a stable and healthy herd. Combined with over 40 years of experience hunting and guiding through out the state of Florida; rest assure that Black Tine Outfitters can put you where the deer are.

We offer several different hunting packages including whitetail deer and wild hog combo hunts. Everything from 2 day hunts to 5 day hunts. We utilize ladder stands, shooting houses, and grounds blinds to ensure your safety is first priority. All transportation to and from hunting locations is provided including extraction, cleaning and quartering of harvested game. You will also find that we do not believe in trophy fees. Over the years we have had several clients harvest whitetails scoring in the mid 130 to low 140 class range with no additional trophy fees applied. Feel free to give us a call with any questions or concerns you may have. We are happy to accommodate your hunt any way we can. Thank you, and we look forward to meeting you.  


Hunting The Seminole Whitetail

The Seminole whitetail can be very challenging. It is often compared to hunting its sub-species the coues deer to the west. Terrain is thick and often times marshy. Florida's unpredictable climate combined with its extreme humidity can make the practice of quality sent control almost impossible. The rut season for the Seminole whitetail can also be very unpredictable as our seasonal temperatures can vary dramatically day to day causing the rut to inconsistently "turn on" and "turn off". Clients are encouraged to take their hunt serious and apply the basic fundamentals of whitetail hunting to their hunt with us as harvesting a mature Seminole whitetail can be difficult but is also a well respected trophy. The average 4 1/2 year old buck harvested on our farms typically scores between 100"-115" and will weigh approximately 145-170 lbs depending on time of year. 

florida deer hunts

2024/ 2025 Whitetail Deer Hunting Available Dates:

*These are the dates for the 2024/ 2025 whitetail hunting season. Please give us a call to check availability for specific dates.

Archery Season/ Crossbow: Zone C

September 14 - October 18
Antlered or antlerless deer by bow or crossbow only. Must have Deer Permit as well as hunting license.

Muzzleloader Season: Zone C

October 19 - November 1
Antlered deer only by muzzleloader, crossbow, or bow, must have Deer Permit as well as hunting license. Antlered deer with a minimum of 3 points on one side.

General Gun Season: Zone C

November 2- January 19

Antlered deer entire general gun season; Antlered deer may be taken by all legal centerfire rifles, pistols, shotguns, muzzleloaders, crossbows, and bows. Must have Deer Permit as well as hunting license. Antlered deer must have a minimum of 3 points on one side. 



We do not offer lodging at Black Tine Outfitters. Clients are referred through airbnb.com for local lodging options. There is also a KOA located approximately 15 minutes from the ranch. The KOA has cabin rentals available. The closest hotel is going to be the Holiday Inn Express located in Silver Springs. The closest public campground is Gores Landing located approximately 15 minutes south of the ranch. 


Florida Whitetail Deer Hunt Rates:

2 Day Whitetail Deer Hunt: $700 Per Hunter (Weekends Only)

3 Day Whitetail Deer Hunt: $800 Per Hunter

4 Day Whitetail Deer Hunt: $975 Per Hunter

5 Day Whitetail Deer Hunt: $1,400 Per Hunter


  • Guide
  • Transportation
  • 1 Buck
  • 2 Wild Hogs
  • Cleaning And Quartering


A $200 per hunter Non refundable deposit is required to reserve a whitetail deer hunt. Deposits are Non transferable. Deposit will go towards the balance of the hunt. All Florida whitetail deer hunts are free range and are non guaranteed. Whitetail does are reserved for harvest during archery season only. All state of Florida license, permits, rules and regulations do apply to our whitetail deer hunts. It is your responsibility to obtain your license and permits as well as checking in your harvested animal with the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Choosing dates are your responsibility. We give clients the freedom to choose whichever dates you want but we do not control the temperature or other weather conditions. Hunts are not pro-rated because it might rain or may be too cold for you on one of your schedule dates. Hunters are required to bring and wear a safety harness for the duration of their hunt. We do operate with some box stands but not every hunting location is one. If you decide not to bring a safety harness; you will not be permitted to hunt from a tree stand. 

Don't forget to tip your guide!

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2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Black Tine Outfitters
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